How To Protect WhatsApp From Viruses and Hacking- WhatsApp Upgrade Warning

A simple miss call on WhatsApp can affect your phone with the latest spy software. WhatsApp, a company owned by Facebook, says it has released a patch for this bug. WhatsApp has confirmed that only a few users have been affected by the glitch. The Financial Times and TechCrunch have confirmed that the spyware attacking the WhatsApp is a product of Israel's NSO group. The group is known for its software, Pegasus. The software is sold to governments, which can be used to hack smartphones and activate their cameras and microphones. Yes, emails and texts can also be sent. The WhatsApp has been busy finding and fixing the bug for the past week. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. With this spyware software, hackers can target phones with commonly used operating systems. These operating systems include Apple's iOS, Google's Android, Microsoft's Windows Phone and Samsung's Tizen. How to secure your phone? All you need to do is update your W...